February 11, 2025



Sunday 10:00 AM - Zoom Prayer Service - Contact 


if you would like an invitation to join the service.


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What is the Episcopal Church?

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What's happening at St. Paul's?

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Confirmation Classes now forming!

Join us to learn more about the Episocopal Church, and get to know the people of St. Paul's.  We will study the text:  Jesus Was An Episcopalian . . . and You Can Be One Too! -- a humorous and informative look at the Anglican tradition.  Please call the Church office for more information, 512 990-1350.  OR check back for updates.

Bishop Doyle to Visit St. Paul's on Sunday, August 2

St. Paul's is pleased to welcome Bishop Doyle to our worship on Sunday, August 2.  The Bishop will welcome our confirmation class and bring a special message of God's love in our community.  All are welcome for this special service.  .

Linksepiscopalchurch.org/  -- The main website of the Episcopal church.


http://www.epicenter.org/ -- The website of the Diocese of Texas


http://vimeo.com/19844852 -- A message from the Bishop of the Diocese of Texas, C. Andrew Doyle