October 22, 2024



Sunday 10:00 AM - Zoom Prayer Service - Contact 


if you would like an invitation to join the service.


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Come to the About Us section to meet the staff of St. Paul's, and find out what we're all about!


Visiting for the first time?

If you're curious about what a truly nurturing community of believers is like, then you should come to the Join Us section to find out how you can get involved. Join us!


What is the Episcopal Church?

Find out about the Episcopal Church and the history of this wonderful community on our What is the Episcopal Church page.


What's happening at St. Paul's?

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First Time Visitor?

    Thank you for checking out St. Paul's web site. We are happy you've found us, and hope that what you see will encourage you to visit us in person!

    Our little house church is a comfortable, easy place to be for worship and spiritual growth. Though we are small, and grow to know each other quickly, we will not overwhelm you: seekers, doubters and questioners are as welcome as those who grew up in the Episcopal Church. Each new visitor is welcome to participate as they wish, taking the time to discover the beauty of the Episcopal Church's liturgy for worship. 

    You will find that people come to our services in all sorts of garb: from jeans and flip-flops all the way to "Sunday" dresses and sports coats, so wear what you want to wear when you come! 

    We do not have nursery workers at this time, but children of all ages are welcome in church with their parents.